1. 個人信息
Good morning! My name is 學名.But normally my friends call me 英文名. Thats my English name. You can call me that if you like.學校/專業:
Im graduated from 學校名university and received my bachelor(學士)/master degree(碩士) in 學位名 。I studied 專業名.如果你專業對口,你可以加上你擅長的課程:
I took interest in 課程名稱. I think my major can match your requirement.
2. 個性特征
性格特質(順帶可以說一下缺點):Im super self-driven. I participated in many practical activities and volunteer programs.(自我驅動力很強)
I tend to spend too much time making every detail right.However,I began setting time-limits for myself. (因為比較扣細節所以給自己設置時限)
興趣愛好I have a wide range of hobbies,like having out door activities and reading.
3. 專業技能
英語I have good command on English for both verbal and written communication.
電腦I am familiar with with Microsoft office software and able to progarm with Python language.
項目/實習I have 時長 intership at 公司名 as職位 which is one of my valuable practical experience.
I also participated in 項目名project which was very successful.
4. 職業期望
Obviously,公司名 has great vision and plays a important role in this industry.
I hope I can bring what Ive learned into full play here,and be a good 職位。
1. 自我介紹力求簡潔,言之有物,大話空話不要說。除了向面試官展現你的英語其實也是讓面試官獲得有關你的信息,所以一定要真誠、真實。
2. 面試官可能會對自我介紹中提到的情況進行展開提問,所以圍繞相關內容請進行拓展和準備。例如:你參加的項目最后結果如何,過程中遇到了哪些困難,你是如何應對的?